What to do with your life?
What to do with your life?
Ever felt the fear that time only moves forward? Whatever has happened, has happened, and you can’t change anything. Even if it occurred just a second ago. Isn’t time beyond our control? Imagine a bullet coming toward you — you know you can’t stop it. You have no power over it. You just witness the events unfold, consequences follow, helplessly.
Time is like a freefall through space. Our lives are a continuous descent through spacetime, where we have no control over one dimension: time.
So, as you fall freely through time, what can you do with your life?
What to do with your life?
Well, you’re already doing something with your life — whether it’s a job, running a business, raising a family, taking care of your home, or enjoying retirement. There’s no need to list everything. But are those the only things you should be doing with your life?
I’m not talking about missed opportunities or unopened chapters. As humans, we can’t control time, but we do have control over our space. Se can shape our space. What you do in the physical world is up to you. But everything happens with a 50% chance — either you succeed or you don’t.
So, are you experimenting with your life, taking on each mission with a 50% chance of success? You’re taking risks based on your abilities. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
Who are you?
We’re born knowing nothing about this world. Sure, there are some genetic traits, but you learn to make life decisions as you grow. That’s why we’re all different. Each of us has walked different paths because we weren’t raised the same. The world you were exposed to, the people you met, the memories you created, and the experiences you lived through all shape who you are. I call this your “Life Quotient”. No one else has the same Life Quotient as you.
So, you’re different from the person sitting next to you. Maybe you work at the same company, have the same job, share the same skillset, political views, cuisine preferences, and hobbies. Yet, one of you might prefer to keep your shoes inside while the other keeps them outside. The choices are different.
You are an individual with a unique Life Quotient, making unique choices. Yes, many of your choices may align with the majority — following the law, getting married, adopting a no-sugar diet. But there’s always one choice that sets you apart. That’s you. You are the result of your choices and the probabilities of happenings in spacetime, doing a freefall through time.
It’s hard to sum up who you are in a single sentence, but consider this: every action or decision you make in this world has a 50% chance of happening. You either do it or don’t. So, can we say that you are the definition of the 50% probability of your actions? Where’s the other half? The things you did or didn’t do make up who you are, right? And those actions created consequences, changing your life — and, in a broader sense, the world.
What makes you powerful?
You are weak when it comes to time. You have no control over it. You must face it. But none of us lives the freefall of time the same way. We all try to define ourselves through our skills, looks, choices, authority, words, etc.
Despite having no control over time, you stand apart in terms of value, strength, respect, peace, and health because of your unique Life Quotient. It’s what allows you to endure the freefall of time.
We all fall through time, knowing that one day it will stop and we’ll leave this world. Yet, you still choose to live through it and take chances.
But you are trapped!
Let’s face it: we are trapped in this world. Once you grow up and become an adult, you realize this. Or maybe you realize it now, as you read this. YOU ARE TRAPPED!
Whether this trap is good or bad depends on how things turn out for you. The probability of favorable outcomes might not always be in your favor.
But what kind of trap are we talking about?
It’s a trap woven into the fabric of your life. Expectations, social norms, the relentless march of time, the limitations of your body, societal structures, and the limited opportunities available to you.
Despite the trap, you still navigate life. You freefall through time, gambling with the 50% probability of success, pushing boundaries, making tough choices, facing the good and the bad — all for what? Maybe to escape the inevitability of time or the predictability of life.
But you know there’s no escape. You can’t escape time. You can’t escape the 50% probabilities. You can’t escape creating your unique Life Quotient. Most of us don’t even realize this because we’re too busy not escaping it. We bend our perception so we don’t feel trapped, even though we’re freefalling through time, taking 50% chances on everything we encounter. Do you still feel powerful? Even if you’re a millionaire or influential, can you defy the freefall of time?
The Power Paradox
That last thought might challenge your sense of existence, but let’s focus on your power. You may be trapped by the 50% probabilities of life or the freefall of time, but you’ve always had choices. Whether you made them or not, at every point, you were given options.
It could have been a career path, a job offer, a love letter, or a situation during a riot. You had choices: to run to safety, to stand your ground, to protect someone else, to avoid danger but speak out against it later. There were many choices, each with a 50% chance of you acting on it or not.
You can’t bend the freefall of time, but you can adapt, adjusting to the life choices you make. Your brain and body are more flexible than you realize. So, with great power comes great responsibility — let that power guide you to where you want to be, whether it’s the top of the Eiffel Tower or the corner of your room. The power lies in taking the 50% probabilities of the countless choices around you.
What can you do with your life?
Spoiler alert: there’s no definitive answer. As the saying goes, live your life how you want. We’ve seen various philosophical schools of thought. Some say life has no meaning. Some say we find meaning as we go. Others believe life’s purpose is to attain nirvana or salvation. None of these are definitive. Even these philosophies are open to interpretation. The world shapes your perspective, and your perspective shapes how you see the world.
You can’t control time, so there’s no point in chasing it. You won’t catch it. Instead, focus on the space aspect of your life in spacetime. Since time is out of the equation, you have the “space” realm where you live your life.
In that realm, you make choices. With each choice having a 50% chance, the best you can do is shape those choices thoughtfully.
Though you’re trapped by time, expectations, social norms, and your body’s limitations, there is space for you to make choices. After all, your actions define who you are. So, choose carefully.